This Will Save You More Than N25,900 Every Month On Important Tools That Will Help You Grow Your Amazon Kindle Publishing Business Income Fast And Easy...
If you are seeing this page,
Because it means one of two things.
you are tired of using free or hacked tools that will always leave you frustrated and miserable.
Or You signed up as a student of mine; and I assure you that you have made the right choice.
These 3 Changes Will Happen From Here On If You Put What You Learn From Me to Good Use
But One Thing Might Slow You Down On This Journey
To be successful and efficient in this publishing business,
Just like a Doctor will need a stethoscope, you will also need this tools to make your business successfully.
I call them the tools of the trade.

Canva Pro
This tool will take you from a beginner to a seasoned and experience Graphic designer in just few mins following my training. The Pro version gives you access to premium images to use for your designs.
Regular Cost - $12.99/Month

Quillbot Premium
While people who don't know this tool will be spending thousands of naira paying writers to write for them, or waste their time manually writing their content, you can use this premium tool to paraphrase content online and make it yours.
Regular Cost - $9.99/Month

Grammarly Premium
After Paraphrasing the content for your books, you need to make sure that it reads humanly position for clarity, vocabulary, tone, and its also free of grammar, punctuation errors.
Regular Cost - $12/Month

Turnitin Plagiarism Check
Turnitin (stylized as turnitin) is an Internet-based plagiarism detection service run by the American company to check for duplicate content online. This tool will help you avoid issues with copyright infringement.
Not Sold To Individuals. Only To Higher Institutions
If you add the cost of these tools together,
Every single month, you will be spending nothing less than N40,000.
I believe this will discourage a lot of students who don't want to use any free tool for their business.
Or don't want hacked tools that will always get disabled at every point in time
This is Why I Have Gone Ahead of You To Do Something Very Few Coaches Will Do.
I wanted to make sure you are not frustrated for whatever reason in this Amazon Kindle business you are venturing into.
So my team and I put heads together to find a solution for you.
So that instead of having to pay through your nose every month for tools of the trade before you start making serious money,
You can have access to all the above premium KDP toolset for a price of KFC chicken bowl.
N8,000 Per Month
This means all you will be paying to have access to 4 premium tools is only N8,000 per month.
Saving you over N25,900 if you were to pay for the tools by yourself.
Click on the button above to grab your KDP Toolset.
Copyright - Hunku Fenga